WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

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JUUL 2 Pods Autumn Tobacco (Pack of 2)

(0 customer reviews)


Flavour Description: 

Staff Review: Autumn Tobacco Juul 2 pods feature mellow tobacco flavour with tangy orchard harvest notes. The flavour of Autumn Tobacco is refined and tastes just like a mild roll-up cigarette. If you want a replacement for your cigarettes, this one if the one to go for.

Key Details

  •  Each package contains 2 x JUUL2 Autumn Tobacco Pods
  • Each pod is pre-filled with 1.2ml capacity (70% more than the original Juul Pods)
  • 18mg/ml nicotine content

Please note that JUUL2 Pods are only compatible with the JUUL2 Device.

55 on Stock

SKU: JUUL2-PODS-ATUM Categories: ,

About JUUL 2 Pods

Crafted by the experts at JUUL, the updated JUUL 2 pods look even more sleek and modern. The brand new Juul 2 has a wide array of new and improved upgrades. Juul  e-liquid contains a proprietary formulation which includes Vegetable glycerin, Propylene glycol, Water, Nicotine, Benzoic acid, flavourings. Pods are blended and filled in the USA using high-quality ingredients, providing a uniquely satisfying experience designed for adult smokers.

What's New?

70% More E-liquid

  • Each JUUL 2 Pod contains 70% more e-liquid than the original JUUL, meaning you can vape for longer without needing a refill. Comes in 1.2ml Capacity.

Smartphone Compatibility 

  • Download the JUUL App to display your vaping stats. The app will tell you which flavor you are using, the amount of liquid still in it and when the pod was first installed. Please note that the JUUL App is not currently available for iOS, and cannot be used with an iPhone.

New Package and Nicotine Content

  • Each pack contains 2 pods, each are filled with 18mg/ml nicotine e-liquid



  1. 민경 김 (verified owner)

    좋아요 불량품이였는데 친절하게 응대해주셔서 감사합니다
    다른제품으로 교환 신청 했어요!

  2. Shin (verified owner)

    불량품입니다. 이제품은 처음으로 구매해봤는데 배송은 빠르지만 흡입이 되질 않아 버렸네요..

  3. 보람 정 (verified owner)

    배송은빠른데 불량품 관련해서 문의 몇번드렸는데 답변이 없으시네요 확인부탁드립니다

  4. fgsaf13 (verified owner)

    오랜지 망고 포멜로 존맛이요 ㅎㅎ 조금 걱정했었는데 딱 오랜지 망고 카프리썬 맛이라 너무 맛있어요 또 주문 하고 싶어요!!

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